Walk with us to support young adults in their struggles with homelessness. Become a part of a community dedicated to its end.

Help support Breaktime by engaging with us in the winter walk, contributing to our ongoing mission ot end young adult homelessness.

Spread awareness about Winter Walk engaging with Breaktime social media on all platforms and breaking the stigma around homelessness.

The Winter Walk is an organization that believes ending homelessness starts with ending stigma. Our mission is to uplift the voices of those who have experienced homelessness to break down negative stigmas through storytelling and education. Each year, our work culminates in meaningful community events, where participants walk together as a housed and unhoused community. Winter Walk supports and amplifies service providers' work, providing care and support for our homeless communities. Together, we raise voices towards awareness and action in the hope that we are just steps away from ending homelessness and creating lasting systemic change.
The 8th annual Winter Walk in Boston will be held on February 11, 2024. This 2-mile loop through the streets of Boston during the coldest month of the year will begin and end on the Boston Common this year.