Join us in breaking the cycle of homelessness.
Without your generosity, the work we do would not be possible.
Let’s have impact together.
Ways to Give
We are grateful for your interest in helping Breaktime end young adult homelessness. The work that we do would not be possible with you and your generosity!
We need your support to address the homelessness crisis. Your investment can be the difference our young people need to change the trajectory of their lives.
Please see below the many ways in which you or your company can have a lasting impact on our community.
Give a philanthropic gift!
Join the Empower Program!
Have an impact on an ongoing basis without having to think about it. The Empower Circle is a passionate community of regularly scheduled givers who are dedicated to improving the lives of young adults experiencing homelessness. By donating monthly, you are ensuring that our monthly cohorts of 10-15 young adults have the appropriate resources and necessities to continue.
How does the Empower Circle work?
Right now, most Empower Circle members give a certain amount each month that feels empowering to them.
$1,000/month - Supports one cohort of 10-15 young adults with ongoing monthly check-ins with an MSW Pathway Coach during Stable Orbit
$750/month - Pays for one 3-week Launchpad session for one young adult
$500/month - Supports 80% of matched savings for one young adult
$300/month - Pays for a cohorts average transportation costs to attend Launchpad
$150/month - The cost of a check-in with an MSW Pathway Coach during Stable Orbit and a clothing voucher for appropriate work attire
*$100/month - The cost of one check-in with an MSW Pathway Coach during Stable Orbit
$80/month - Pays for a clothing voucher and travel stipend for a young adult to attend Launchpad safely
$25/month - Pays for one transportation stipend for a young adult to participate in Launchpad safely
*the most commonly chosen level
Join the Friendship Circle!
The Breaktime Friendship Circle is a close-knit community of donors who are committed to strengthening Breaktime’s base of support to ensure we can expand statewide. This community of philanthropic individuals and families believe that every young person deserves the opportunities and support they need to reach their full potential. This giving program specifically recognizes and celebrates champions of our work who donate between $1,000 and $9,999 annually.
$7,500-$9,999: Platinum Member > Empower a cohort of Alumni Associates with three full years of wraparound services
$5,000-$7,499: Gold Member > Fund two weeks of job readiness training for an entire cohort of Associates
$2,500-$4,999: Silver Member > Provide an entire cohort of Associates with a year of one-on-one credit counseling
$1,000-$2,499: Bronze Member > Equip an entire cohort of Associates with MBTA or equivalent transport passes to get to their job sites
Join the Leadership Circle!
In April 2022, we launched the Breaktime Leadership Circle, a major gift program that is slated to raise $4 million by 2024 to support expansion. The Leadership Circle is a collective of families and individuals whose priorities are building momentum in the growth of the organization and the ending of young adult homelessness.
Join this esteemed group of individuals and become a game-changing part of Breaktime’s philanthropic history. This major gift program capitalizes on committed three-year annual gifts of $10,000+. Multi-year support is crucial in supporting and scaling Breaktime's platform for addressing young adult homelessness.
Platinum Member: $75,000-100,000
Gold Member: $50,000-74,999
Silver Member: $25,000-49,999
Bronze Member: $10,000-24,999
*Levels are shown in the multi-year total
Join the Investor Circle!
Breaktime is in the process of scaling our model statewide over the next three years (2022-2024). Government funding, including five multi-year contracts and a $250,000 line item in the state budget, will be game-changing in sustaining our model across the state, which means philanthropic seed funding for this effort is highly leveraged for long-term impact. We are specifically seeking $9 million over three years from individuals and foundations. We are thrilled to have already raised over $1 million from individuals and over $2.5 million from foundations. We are seeking additional multi-year investments of $250,000+ per year to catapult us towards our goal and empower Breaktime to break the cycle of young adult homelessness across Massachusetts.
With your support over the next three years, we aim to do the following:
Employ and empower 1,000 young adults experiencing homelessness statewide
Catalyze $5.6M in wages and $1.3M in savings for the young people we serve.
Bolster the strength of the Massachusetts workforce with 325,000 hours of extra capacity
Secure long-term sustainability by partnering with local, state and federal policy stakeholders for first state, and then national expansion
Strategic Investment Levels:
$3,000,000 Lead Investor ($1,000,000/year) > This level of funding will lay the foundation for Breaktime to bring our work statewide to the many youth in desperate need of our services across Massachusetts.
$1,500,000 Strategic Investor ($500,000/year) > This level of funding will lay a significant part of the foundation for Breaktime to bring our work to the many youth in desperate need of our services across Massachusetts. We will need additional investments to build out our leadership team and increase our capacity for long-term sustainability. We can leverage this commitment as a challenge grant to mobilize additional support.
$750,000 Principal Investor ($250,000/year) > This level of funding will provide crucial hiring capacity for Breaktime that enables us to move forward with our statewide expansion.
Interested in initiating a bequest?
An excellent way for you to support Breaktime’s mission is to leave us a bequest in your will, living trust or with a codicil. A significant benefit of making a gift by bequest is that it allows you to leave a legacy of giving towards an organization you believe in.
There are a number of ways that you can make a bequest towards Breaktime. Two of the most impactful formats are below.
Specific General Bequest. A specific bequest involves leaving a percentage of your overall estate to a charitable organization.
Sample Language: “I give to Breaktime, a Boston-based nonprofit organization located in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the sum of $ _________ (or % of my estate), (or other personal property herein described) to be used for its general support and charitable purposes without restriction.”
Residual General Bequest. A residual bequest is made by giving a portion of the balance of an estate after the will or trust has given away any specific assets/requests.
Sample Language: “I give to Breaktime, a Boston-based nonprofit organization located in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, (all or a % of) the residue of the property owned by me at death, real and personal and wherever situated to be used for its general support and charitable purposes without restriction.”
A bequest is most often a revocable gift, which means it can be changed or modified at any time. You can choose to designate that a bequest be used for a general or specific purpose so that you know that your gift will be used as intended. Bequests are also exempt from federal estate taxes.
Is your organization interested in giving to Breaktime?
Over the course of the past two years, Breaktime has initiated 70% of our revenue from Institutions and Foundations from donations and grants. We understand and appreciate the commitment that many organizations have in preserving and amplifying the work of the human service sector, and aim to partner with organizations who are mindful and passionate about eliminating barriers and stigmas that surround the young adult homeless population. If your organization is interested in starting a conversation, please don’t hesitate to reach out to set up a 30-minute starter call with our Institutional Giving Manager, Kevin James.